Did you know that about 23% of all cases of rabies in California come from skunks?


Do skunks carry rabies? They can carry rabies. Out of 1747 cases of rabies in California from 2001-2008, 23% of the cases were skunks. That is a large percentage, so people need to be careful when they are around wild animals and especially skunks. Skunks portraying abnormal behavior, like daytime activity, could be rabid and should be treated cautiously.

Are skunks destructive? Skunks are not normally very destructive. They do like to dig holes and sometimes will nest in ducts underneath houses. Their spray can last for days when sprayed directly and have been known to spray under homes where everything in the home smelled like a skunk. Eliminating the odor within the house will take sometimes days to air out.

How many skunks are usual in residential areas? Skunks like to run in two’s or three’s, however when they have easy access to dog or cat food, there can be many. It is best to remove the food at night so that they it does not attract more. Once a skunk is used to certain areas, it will usually stay in that area.

Where do skunks live in residential areas? Skunks are known to live under cement slabs, raised foundations, sheds, and just a hole in ground.

Why does my dog smell like a skunk? Dogs are very protective and curious. Often we get calls from customers that say their dog got sprayed by a skunk.

My lawn is being destroyed. Is that a skunk or a raccoon? It could be either of them. Both love to dig for grub worms. It is very common with newly placed sod grass.

Do you humanely deal with skunks? We do. As California law requires that skunks that are trapped either be released in the same yard or euthanized, we do euthanize them in a humane manner. The fine for relocating animals is high in California. It is treated as being cruel to animals to relocate them. It has been reported that over 86% of animals that are relocated die because of lack of food, water, and shelter. It takes them a long time to become acquainted with their new surroundings. Also, if they are diseased and are relocated, they can infest a complete colony of skunks.

 Is there something I can do to prevent them? The first thing that has to be done is trap them and remove them from your yard. Once those present skunks are removed, the fence needs to be filled for any openings. Skunks cannot climb fences, so filling spaces below fence line is ideal. Filling the gap before the skunks are removed will not be effective because they can just easily dig under the fence to get to the other side. Once they are removed future skunks would usually go to a house that the yard is easily accesible. However, if skunks do keep returning, the best way to prevent them is to dig around the perimeter and install hardware cloth 6 inches below the soil and then cover it back up. Call us for a free quote on fence prevention.

How to remove skunk odor from clothes? Skunk odor will eventually dissipate on its own, but will take many days to air out. You can expedite the process. Soak washable clothing in a mixture of ammonia and warm water for at least thirty minutes. Then, wash as normal with a heavy-duty detergent. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT USE BLEACH.  Also, do not use the heat from the dryer to dry the clothes. This will only infuse the odor into the fibers. For clothes that are non-washable, take them to the dry-cleaner.